Staika Project Overview

We provide an activity lifestyle service platform where you can make social contributions through various activities.

The STAIKA project aims to build an activity-based lifestyle service platform that can be alliance with various service companies in the lifestyle industries such as travel, leisure, and culture. Ultimately, it is to develop a service platform that can be customized to personal lifestyles easily and in a fun way, such as providing blockchain services to users through X2E service policies that can be started without purchasing NFT items, Game-fi design that increases immersion, and rewards in the form of mileage points.

The STAIKA platform has a virtuous service structure that allows users to earn rewards as a result of various activities, consumption activities in market services using wallet services, and environmental conservation donation activities in social services, and this service structure is divided into four service groups that are organically linked to each other.

  1. Wallet Services

    Services that directs tokens and payment management for all services within the platform as the core service of the project.

  2. Earnings Service

    A service that pays reward points based on the user's actions as an X2E service.

  3. Market Services

    Responsible for e-commerce within the platform, including physical goods, NFT products, NFT P2P trading, etc.

  4. Social services

    Services that users use their earned rewards to support social change activities such as NGO donations, upcycling services, etc.

The STAIKA platform is designed to provide individuals with opportunities for apptech (mobile app + financial earnings) through X2E services and create new economic values such as revitalizing the local economy socially to promote sustainable growth. STAIKA consists of a "five-step circular structure" with an organic user journey as shown below.

  1. Creating activity content Providing external content such as business/service alliances, challenge marketing, and content created through our own programs.

  2. Participation in the challenge Naturally induce users to visit the area through local event/event linkage challenges, local tour challenges, etc.

  3. Earn activity rewards Receive cash-as-usable mileage points rewards within the platform after completing the Challenge Program challenge.

  4. Promote spendings in regional commercial areas The local visit induction challenge program takes more than a day to promote natural local consumption by outsiders.

  5. Obtain additional rewards Additional rewards for discount coupons for food and beverages/accommodation in local commercial areas, goods/souvenir exchange vouchers linked to local events, etc.

The "Staika Ecosystem", which consists of four service groups and a five-stage circular structure, is creating a Stika project where users and the local economy can coexist together based on the various activities of the participants. Additionally, as a "win-win virtual asset project" that connects virtual assets and the real economy, we would like to suggest the correct business direction based on Web3.0.

In the future, we will continue to launch and upgrade various and trendy GO series based on the catchphrase of GO2B (Go to Benefits). In addition, we will make it a more expanded and continuous ecosystem through alliances with various industries.

Last updated